Nutritional Advice

Nutritional Advice

Along with regular exercise and veterinary care, good nutrition is the best way you can provide contribute to your pet’s health and wellbeing.

We strongly recommend that you:

  • Feed a premium quality commercial pet food. Premium foods offer high-quality ingredients, are made by companies specialising in nutritional research, and can provide guarantees of quality and palatability. Pet food sold in the supermarket is often of lower quality and may lead to obesity, gastrointestinal problems, skin irritation and dental disease. We recommend & stock a variety of premium pet foods, and have found that one of the favourites among many of our patients is the Hills Vet Essentials. To find out the benefits of feeding this diet, click here, and watch this short video.


Other Important Feeding Guidelines Include:

  • Make sure the food is fresh. When you purchase pet food, check for freshness and purchase only the amount necessary for your pet. Store pet food in a cool, dry place and keep it tightly closed. Discard uneaten food and always place fresh food in a clean bowl. In general, hard food (or “kibble”) is preferred for maintaining dental health and minimizing tartar build-up.
  • Feed the right amount. Ask us or check the label for how much to feed according to your pet’s ideal weight (not necessarily the same as their current weight). Avoid feeding pets as much as they want or feeding a large amount at one time. Doing so can lead to obesity, gastrointestinal upset, or even bloat which can be a life threatening condition.
  • Maintain a daily routine. A regular schedule will help your pet keep normal bowel movements and avoid indoor accidents. Younger pets need to be fed more frequently, as they are usually more energetic and burn more calories.
  • Avoid “people” food. Your pet’s digestive system is simpler than yours and can be easily upset by changes. Feeding table scraps will result in an unbalanced diet, can cause stomach upsets or even life-threatening inflammation of the pancreas.

Online Sources: What To Believe

There is a great deal of conflicting literature on the internet about more ‘alternative’ ways to feed your dog or cat. You may have seen claims for how grain-free, or raw food can benefit your pet. The World Small Animal Veterinary Association have released information on how to view the information with a critical eye to help you understand what you read. We recommend you click on the below links to help you in your search for finding optimum nutrition for your pet.

For dog owners: The Savvy Dog Owner’s Guide: Nutrition on the Internet
For cat owners: The Savvy Cat Owner’s Guide: Nutrition on the Internet



Life Cycle Feeding

Your pet’s nutritional requirements will change as they age. Puppies need puppy food because it is higher in energy, calcium and protein, but feeding it to an adult dog can lead to obesity. Likewise, older pets need diets restricted in fat and supplemented with fibre for their optimum health. Many premium senior diets also contain additives to assist in the management of arthritis and can make your pet more comfortable.

Please give us a call to discuss your pet’s nutritional needs. We will tailor a diet specifically for your pet that will give them the optimum quality and length of life.

Remember, you are what you eat, and so is your pet!

Book an Appointment with Us

We look forward to welcoming you into our clinic. Please call us today, or book online to make an appointment.